1st Grade Plants and Animals Unit Blueprint

Lesson 2: Sharing and Describing Seeds
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Pacing Suggestions:

See Unit Calendar for details.

Essential & Unit Questions* 1 Benchmarks 2 Formative and Summative Assessments 3 Using Assessments to Monitor Student Learning
How can observations be made more accurate? 1B(K-2)#2: Tools such as thermometers, magnifiers, rulers, or balances often give more information about things than can be obtained by just observing things without their help.

6D(K-2)#1: People use their senses to find out about their surroundings and themselves. Different senses give different information. Sometimes a person can get different information about the same thing by moving closer to it or further away from it.

  • Class discussion of Observing and Describing Seeds sheet (See Procedure Step 3 on page 27 in Teacher's Guide—focus on senses.)
  • Class discussion about the usefulness of hand lenses (See Procedure Management Tip under Step 3 on page 27 in Teacher's Guide—focus on benefit of tool as well as how to use it.)
  • Are students able to list the five senses?
  • Do students know the difference between the senses?
  • Are students able to observe features of the seeds that they cannot with the naked eye?
What are some ways to describe objects? (K-2)#3: One way to describe something is to say how it is like something else.

12D(K-2)#1: Describe and compare things in terms of number, shape, texture, size, weight, color, and motion.

Observing and Describing Seeds sheet (See Procedure Steps 4-10 on pages 27 & 28 in Teacher's Guide.) See bullets 1 & 2 under Assessment on page 30 in Teacher's Guide.
How can we learn about living things around us? 1B(K-2)#1: People can often learn about things around them by just observing those things carefully, but sometimes they can learn more by doing something to the things and noting what happens. Revisit class list and discussion of How We Could Find Out about Our Seeds (See Final Activities Steps 2 & 3 on page 29 in Teacher's Guide.) Do students suggest doing something to the seeds rather than just observing them? For example, do they suggest opening/dissecting them or planting them?
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* Essential/Unit questions are major questions driving the unit. They are directly aligned with the benchmarks. No single lesson addresses each question in its entirety. By the end of the unit, students should be able to answer these core questions.

1. For conceptual benchmarks.
2. Bolded sections indicate portion of benchmark addressed
3. Unless noted as a Summative Assessment, the assessments are formative and should be used to guide teaching and learning.

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