4th Grade Living Environment Unit Blueprint

Section 1 Assessment Activity
Home | Living Environment Home | Sect. 1, Chapter 1 | Sect. 1, Chapter 3 | Sect. 1, Chapter 4 | Assessment Activity | Sect. 4, Chapter 12 | Sect. 4, Chapter 13 | Sect. 4, Chapter 14 | Sect. 4, Chapter 15 | End of Unit Assessment
Pacing Suggestions:

1 day

Teacher Resources:
Essential & Unit Questions 1 Benchmarks 2 Formative and Summative Assessments 3 Using Assessments to Monitor Student Learning
Why do only certain plants and animals live in a particular environment? Why can't all plants and animals live in the same environment?

How do changes to an organism's habitat affect its survival?

5D(3-5)#1: For any particular environment, some kinds of plants and animals survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.

5D(3-5)#4: Changes in an organism's habitat are sometimes beneficial to it and sometimes harmful.

Summative Assessment: Environmental Factors for Animals student sheet (See pages 43 & 44 in Teacher's Guide, especially Keeping Records on page 44—only use descriptors related to animal portion of assessment.)
  • Are students able to identify environmental factors that might have caused the cow's death?
  • Are students able to suggest some environmental factors that should be changed to support the viability of the cow?
Home | Living Environment Home | Sect. 1, Chapter 1 | Sect. 1, Chapter 3 | Sect. 1, Chapter 4 | Assessment Activity | Sect. 4, Chapter 12 | Sect. 4, Chapter 13 | Sect. 4, Chapter 14 | Sect. 4, Chapter 15 | End of Unit Assessment
1. For conceptual benchmarks.
2. Bolded sections indicate portion of benchmark addressed
3. Unless noted as a Summative Assessment, the assessments are formative and should be used to guide teaching and learning.

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