2nd Grade Sound Systems Unit Blueprint

Lesson 2: Making Sound
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Pacing Suggestions:

Days 1 & 2—Make Sound Systems and Investigating Sound Systems
Day 3—Teaching Strategies Steps 6-9
Day 4—Checking Understanding

Teacher Resources:
Helpful Teacher TipsTips Teacher Resources Lesson 2 Record Sheet (Microsoft® Word®)
Lesson 2 Record Sheet (Adobe® Reader® PDF)
Checking Understanding (Microsoft® Word®)
Checking Understanding (Adobe® Reader® PDF)
Essential & Unit Questions 1 Benchmarks 2 Formative and Summative Assessments 3 Using Assessments to Monitor Student Learning
What causes sound? 12D(K-2)#1: Describe and compare things in terms of number, shape, texture, size, weight, color, and motion.

Introduce 4F(K-2)#3: Things that make sound vibrate.

Lesson 2 Record Sheet (Use teacher-generated sheet available under "Teacher Resources" on electronic curriculum.)

Checking Understanding

  • Completed independently and collected by teacher (Use Teacher-generated sheet available under "Teacher Resources" on the electronic curriculum.)
  • Class discussion of statements (See page 63 in Teacher's Guide.)
Lesson 2 Record Sheet
  • Are students able to identify parts of the system that move?
  • Do students provide clear descriptions of the motion of the parts?

Checking Understanding

  • Are students able to identify parts of the system that move?
  • Do students provide clear descriptions of the motion of the parts?
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1. For conceptual benchmarks.
2. Bolded sections indicate portion of benchmark addressed
3. Unless noted as a Summative Assessment, the assessments are formative and should be used to guide teaching and learning.

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