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Starry Night Settings Lesson 18 |
Why do patterns of stars in the sky appear to move across the night sky?
What causes day and night?
As the Earth Turns Activity
4A(3-5)#1: The patterns of stars in the sky stay the same, although they appear to move across the sky nightly, and different stars can be seen in different seasons.
4B(3-5)#2: Like all planets and stars, the earth is approximately spherical in shape. The rotation of the earth on its axis every 24 hours produces the night-and-day cycle. To people on earth, this turning of the planet makes it seem as though the sun, moon, planets, and stars are orbiting the earth once a day.
As the Earth Turns worksheet, Questions 4, 5, and 7
As the Earth Turns
If stars are many different sizes, some bigger than the sun, why do they look so small in the sky?
Reinforce through "Star" book:
4A(3-5)#5: Stars are like the sun, some being smaller and some larger, but so far away that they look like points of light.
4A(K-2)#1: There are more stars in the sky than anyone can count, but they are not scattered evenly and they are not all the same in brightness and color.
Class discussion/processing of book
Class discussion of read-aloud:
Do students appear to be aware of the information contained in the book or do they have many questions related to the specific benchmarks addressed within the book (particularly the last two listed benchmarks)?
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