1st Grade Weather Unit Blueprint

NEW Lesson 8.1: Observing the Effect of Sun on Temperature
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Pacing Suggestions:

Lesson to be taught following Spring Break.

See Unit Calendar for details.

Teacher Resources:
Helpful Teacher TipsTips Teacher ResourcesRecord Sheet 8.1 (Adobe® Reader® PDF)
Record Sheet 8.1 (Microsoft® Word®)
Essential & Unit Questions* 1 Benchmarks 2 Formative and Summative Assessments 3 Using Assessments to Monitor Student Learning
What warms the land, air and water? 4E(K-2)#1: The sun warms the land, air and water. Class discussion of experiment results (Thermometers measuring temperature of cups of land [dirt], water, and air [empty cup] placed in the sun and shade.)

See "Teacher Tips" under "Teacher Resources" section for specific information on new lesson.

  • Do students know that the sun warms the land, air, and water?
  • Do students understand why there is a difference in temperature between the items placed in the sun and the ones placed in the shade?
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* Essential/Unit questions are major questions driving the unit. They are directly aligned with the benchmarks. No single lesson addresses each question in its entirety. By the end of the unit, students should be able to answer these core questions.

1. For conceptual benchmarks.
2. Bolded sections indicate portion of benchmark addressed
3. Unless noted as a Summative Assessment, the assessments are formative and should be used to guide teaching and learning.

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