4th Grade Microscopic World Unit Blueprint

Learning Experience (LE) 2: Dot to Dollars
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(See Teacher Tips for details on lesson.)

Pacing Suggestions:
1–2 Days

Teacher Resources:
 Tips Dots to Dollars Observation Sheet (Microsoft® Word®)
Dots to Dollars Observation Sheet (Adobe® Reader® PDF)
Essential & Unit Questions 1 Benchmarks 2 Formative and Summative Assessments 3 Using Assessments to Monitor Student Learning

12D(3-5)#2: Make sketches to aid in [reporting observations and] explaining procedures or ideas.

12A(3-5)#1: Keep records of their investigations and observations and not change the records later.

12C(3-5)#3: Keep a notebook that describes observations made, carefully distinguishes actual observations from ideas and speculations about what was observed, and is understandable weeks or months later.

Dots to Dollars Observation Sheet (This is a teacher-generated sheet.)

  • Do the drawings show that the student has in fact observed an object and drawn what was seen?
  • Does each drawing have an “individual character” and is not a stereotype of what the student expected to find?
  • Do the drawings show relative size, shape, texture, shading, position, and complexity?
  • Do students’ written observations describe relative size, shape, texture, color, and other relevant details?
  • Do students refrain from changing their observations (written and sketches) once class sharing has occurred?
  • Do students record observations, not inferences, ideas, or speculations?
Home | Microscopic Home | LE 1 |LE 2 | LE 3 | LE 4 | LE 5 | LE 6 | LE 7 | LE 8 | LE 9 | LE 10 | LE 11 | LE 12
1. For conceptual benchmarks.
2. Bolded sections indicate portion of benchmark addressed
3. Unless noted as a Summative Assessment, the assessments are formative and should be used to guide teaching and learning.

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