4th Grade Matter Unit Blueprint

Lesson 3: Investigating with Other Liquids
Investigating Changing Properties
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Investigating Heat & Changes in Materials
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Pacing Suggestions:
Day 1- Steps 1-5 on pages 38 & 39 in Student Guide
Day 2- Steps 6- 9 on pages 40 & 41 in Student Guide
Day 3- Steps 10 & 11 on page 41 in Student Guide
Day 4- Students plan experiment for Checking Understanding and make a data table
Day 5- Students conduct experiment and complete Checking Understanding
Teacher Resources:
Essential & Unit Questions 1 Benchmarks 2 Formative and Summative Assessments 3 Using Assessments to Monitor Student Learning
BSCS Science T.R.A.C.S. Investigating Properties

Introduction to 12D(6-8)#1: Organize information in simple tables and graphs and identify relationships they reveal. (See essay on page 76 in Benchmarks about the importance of student-generated tables and graphs at this grade level.)

In Investigating with Vinegar, Red Cabbage Juice, and Iodine, students add additional columns to the data table they constructed in Lesson 2

In Checking Understanding, student teams design new data tables (See page 63 in Teacher's Edition.)

Click to view samples of student work.

  • Do students enter data in an organized method?
  • In Checking Understanding, are students able to create a table using previous tables as models?

12C(3-5)#2: Measure and mix dry and liquid materials in prescribed amounts, exercising reasonable safety [and demonstrating correct lab techniques].

Students measure 20 mL of five different powders in Investigating with Vinegar, Red Cabbage Juice, and Iodine

  • Do students accurately measure the prescribed amount of the substance?
  • Do students demonstrate correct lab technique?

In general, how does mixing two or more materials affect their properties? Why is this important?

4D(3-5)#4: When a new material is made by combining two or more materials, it has properties that are different from the original materials. For that reason, a lot of different materials can be made from a small number of basic kinds of materials.

Class discussion of Investigating with Vinegar, Red Cabbage Juice, and Iodine lab results (See page 63, Making Meaning section in Teacher's Edition.)

Checking for Understanding is a lab application of the benchmark (See pages 64 & 65 in Teacher's Edition.)

Class discussion of lab
Do students understand that a property of the powders is the way they react when mixed with water, iodine, and cabbage juice?

Checking Understanding
When designing their experiments, do the students use their knowledge about the properties of the powders when combined with different liquids?

Investigating Changing Properties
Home | Matter Home | Overview | Lesson 1 |Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 | Lesson 6 (Skip) | Lesson 7
Investigating Heat & Changes in Materials
Home | Matter Home | Overview | Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 | Lesson 6 | Lesson 7 (Skip) | Lesson 8 (Skip) | Lesson 9
1. For conceptual benchmarks.
2. Bolded sections indicate portion of benchmark addressed
3. Unless noted as a Summative Assessment, the assessments are formative and should be used to guide teaching and learning.

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